We had a number of classmates who were enthusiastic about a September, 2024 reunion. Regretfully that number fell short of what we needed. We will try again next year with more lead time. Stay tuned!
60th Committee
Chairman: Scott Henderson, Treasurer: Mort Herald
Committee Members: Ann Bastian (Mihm), Bob Bragdon, Patsy Comstock (Kirkpatrick), Chuck Culbertson, Dev Lemster, Marty McKinley (Stahl), Tom Perry, and Don Stechschulte.
Mt Lebanon High School Stadium
drone photos taken by Bill Kirkpatrick
The new high school stadium with the new Athletic facility immediately above it.
A bird's eye view of most of the athletic facilities at the high school (new tennis courts are located where the A building (North Gym) was demolished). To the left off camera is the Rec Center and to the right off camera is the high school and Fine Arts theatre.
This new field, which is partially visible in the photo above, is bordered on 4 sides by Morgan Drive from the park, Stadium Drive below, Horsman Drive seen here and the high school visitor parking lot. The old practice field area was re-engineered for this regulation size field which is used for numerous sports.
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